5 Easy (But Thoughtful) Valentine’s Day Gifts from Highland County

Written By: Dorothy Stephenson

Need a Valentine’s Day gift? No problem. Whether you’re in Highland County or wanting to support our local businesses from afar, we have options for you!

Reserve A Getaway 

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is a nice, quiet getaway for you and your sweetheart. Private accommodations in a cabin? Got it. A charming bed and breakfast? We have those. Rooms with a view? No problem. Just visit the Highland County Chamber of Commerce website, and take your pick!

Flowers For the Win

Anyone can go to Kroger’s and grab a bouquet of un-natural pink, yellow, and blue flowers. But, seriously??? Do it right. Call Erica Stephenson at Meadowdale Blooms, and she will hook you up with a classy arrangement that will show your sweetheart, they’re worth more than a few bucks and a last-minute thought. Check out her Facebook page for Valentine’s Day specials and prices. (Oh! And, she has stained glass pieces for sale at The Curly Maple, too!)


Baked Goodies

This is a good option for men or women! Even if you’re watching your waistline, sweet treats during Valentine’s Day are okay in moderation. Claire’s Cake Co. or Susanna’s Confections offer mouth-watering gift selections. Just don’t look at their websites on an empty stomach!

“Simply Sweet” Apparel

Give your girl a cozy, over-sized sweatshirt that performs double duty – It’s good for cuddling during a cold February (Valentine’s) movie night. And, it also recognizes just how “Simply Sweet” she is. Hit up the HighlandCountyVA Blog Online Store, and browse our line of “Simply Sweet” styles.

Soft Skin = Happier Wife

Most every woman enjoys pampering (whether she admits it or not). And, most every woman wants soft skin that helps her feel beautiful. (And, let me tell ya, if your wife’s skin is like mine, the dead of winter is the perfect time for some intense facial moisturizer!) Contact Highland County’s own Mary Kay Consultant, Robin Brendel, and she will help you select the perfect product. (By the way, there’s gifts for men, too!) Mention this post to Robin and receive 10% off your order!


Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!!! 

P.S. If you want to show our community teachers some love, check out this post for ideas: Tokens of Appreciation: Make a School Teacher’s Day


About the Author

Blog Designer & Editor-in-Chief |  More Posts by This Author

Dorothy Stephenson grew up on her family's cattle operation in Meadowdale, located in the southwest corner of Highland County. When she wasn't on horseback helping her father gather and work cattle, you'd likely find her (still on horseback) jumping creeks in her family's nearby "Big Pasture." Today, though she doesn't ride horses much anymore, she has her own cattle, land, and expansion plans for a farm. Additionally, (and with the inherited, Stephenson, entrepreneurial spirit) she owns two small businesses in Highland County - Sundance Media & Design and Sundance Studio & Productions, which houses another of Dorothy's long-time loves - Clogging. Dorothy loves exploring new places, skills, and ideas, and she intends to live life to the fullest as long as it will let her. (Oh! And she LOVES Christmas!)


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