For a little background on Alex, read our post “Thankful… For the Heart and Mind of a Dog.”

Meet Alex!
Christmastime. Ugh … all the people in the house get crazy.
What I don’t understand is … why are trees in the house?
Trees go outside.
And, then, everybody yells.
“Alex, get out of there.”
“Alex, don’t pee on that.”
“Alex, quit messing around under the tree. You’re going to knock it over.”
First of all, outside trees don’t knock over. I don’t know what kind of crazy tree they got in this house, but if they knock over that easy, they had better get rid of them.
Second thing is this: You are supposed to pee on outside trees. Inside trees get on my nerves.
And, third, I have GOT to get in there and smell around because there are some funny smells on this thing!
Also … how come so many boxes are under inside trees?
There are NO boxes under outside trees. What goes on around here?
Then, there is more yelling.
“Alex, leave that alone.”
“Alex, don’t pee on that.”
“Alex, get out of there before you break something.”
Thing #1: I am only 8 inches tall. If you don’t want me messing with something, don’t put it on the floor.
Also, you are supposed to pee on strange things.
Thing #Next: I’m definitely getting in there, and I’m definitely going to break something.
Fact: Everyone is so touchy at Christmastime.
Also, this, Christmastime means Christmas movies. Great-Gaggy watches every Christmas movie in the world 11 times over. Thank Dog football comes on Sunday.
(Dogs don’t say, “Thank God.” God spelled backwards is Dog. Dogs say, “Thank Dog.” Besides, where do you think He got our name from?!)
So, there are trees, boxes, movies, and, then, there is Christmas music.

Here’s me and “Mam” opening presents. (Photo Credit: Auntie Dorfy.)
They play the same musics again and again. I’m so glad I can’t hear much anymore. Those songs will drive you crazy. Although, I do like it when Mam puts on The King and we dance around the house. I just love my Mam.
Wait! You don’t know who the The King is? You must be nuts. Elvis Presley. He is The King. We have all his records. Actually, Regular Gaggy gave Mam a record player this summer. We listen to all the records full blast now! Me and Mam really get down!
Anyway, I don’t get all this Christmastime stuff. They do it every year. But, I just don’t understand. Anyway, I think I will go over here and start smelling out the new boxes Great-Gaggy just put under the inside tree!
About the Author
My name is Alexander Brown Landrum. That's "Alex," for short. First thing you need to know about me? I have four short legs and one big heart. (I'm also the shortest resident in Meadowdale.) I came to live with my "Mam" in Highland County when I was just a young pup. In addition to "Mam," I live with my "Great Gaggy," and "Auntie Bec, the Vet Tech." I also look forward to visits from my "Gaggy" and "Dorfy," too. As the "Sheriff of Meadowdale," I keep a close eye on goings-on around our family farm. (It's official. I have a badge and everything.) But before I begin my daily investigations, most days, I greet everyone with a "Good Morning" romp around the house. (I bark. I play. It's a good time.) At nights, I usually snuggle up with Mam, or, if she's across the mountains working, in my bed next to Great-Gaggy. Hobbies include napping and snoring. Dislikes: Snoopy (He's my dog-cousin. A gray and white poodle that looks like a dirty mop.)
OMG!!! I can’t stop laughing!!! Alex you’re a rockstar!!! Merry Doggie Christmas!!!
Alex truly is a rockstar! 🙂