Two Homes, One Heart

Two Homes, One Heart

Most children in middle school or high school are excited to grow up and move away from their hometowns. They dream about experiences college or starting a career might bring. When the future seems so bright with new possibilities on the horizon, it’s hard to remember...
What Highland Means to Our Maple Queen

What Highland Means to Our Maple Queen

When someone asks me what Highland County means to me, it is not a difficult question to answer. I simply think of all the memories from my life here, and the response is easy: “Everything.”  Highland means absolutely everything to me. From the small, caring community...
Highland County Is…

Highland County Is…

Editor’s note: There is nothing like living outside of Highland County to give you great appreciation for what you have at home. I’ve spent most of my life in Highland with a couple of stints in neighboring Augusta County. These days, I reside in Staunton. And, most...